Car Park Rental at King’s Inns

Page last updated: Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Car park spaces at King’s Inns are available to rent by subscribing members, students, alumni, and neighbours. As part of their membership benefits only subscribing members are entitled to a 10% discount on the car park rental rate.

A part–time student rate is available for all students who study part–time at King’s Inns.

BOOKINGS NOW OPEN. Car Park term is from October 1 to September 30 each year. All bookings and payments are done through our online parking system below.

Specific car park slots may be requested but cannot be guaranteed – you select your preferable space when booking. Once payment is received, King’s Inns will confirm via email your allocated space. If you would like further information, contact David Curran at

Car Park Options

Option 1 – general rate (non–member) - €1107.00

  1. Annual fee is €1,107 (€900 plus vat at 23%).
  2. This option is for non–subscribing members of King’s Inns as well as alumni, neighbours and the general public.
  3. By renting a car park space, you agree to the below terms and conditions.
  4. Use of car park is from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.
  5. No parking is permitted in the front of the King’s Inns main Dining Hall building. You must park in the allocated space provided.
  6. The car park is opened from 7 am to 7.30 pm Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday opening is dependent on the King’s Inns academic program. Please note core opening hours may be extended throughout the year to reflect the educational and legal year activities. You will be notified in advance of these changes via email.
  7. Your car park space will only be confirmed by King’s Inns after payment is processed.
  8. The annual parking disc will be posted to the address provided.
  9. Please notify us if you change your car to obtain a new parking permit.


Option 2 – Subscribing member rate - €984.00

  1. Annual fee is €984 (€800 plus vat at 23%).
  2. This option is only for members who are subscribed to King’s Inns (barristers who have a yearly subscription to King’s Inns and degree of Barrister–at–Law students). Further details here >
  3. By renting a car park space, you agree to the below terms and conditions.
  4. Use of car park is from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.
  5. No parking is permitted in the front of the King’s Inns main Dining Hall building. You must park in the allocated space provided.
  6. The car park is opened from 7 am to 7.30 pm Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday opening is dependent on King’s Inns academic program. Please note core opening hours may be extended throughout the year to reflect the educational and legal year activities. You will be notified in advance of these changes via email.
  7. Your car park space will only be confirmed by King’s Inns after payment is processed.
  8. The annual parking disc will be posted to the address provided.
  9. Please notify us if you change your car to obtain a new parking permit.


Option 3 – Part–time student rate - €275.00

  1. Annual fee is €275 (vat is at 0%).
  2. This option is for all students who study part–time at King’s Inns.
  3. By renting a car park space, you agree to the below terms and conditions. 
  4. Use of car park is from 22 September 2023 to 21 June 2024 (academic term only). 
  5. You can only use the car park after 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday.
  6. Saturday and Sunday opening is 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. This is dependent on King’s Inns academic program. Please note core opening hours may be extended throughout the year to reflect the educational and legal year activities. You will be notified in advance of these changes via email.
  7. Students displaying a valid parking permit may use the car park for in–person lectures / tutorials and examination assessments.
  8. Part–time car parking is unallocated. You park in available number spaces after the time allowed.
  9. No parking is permitted at the front of the King’s Inns Main Dining Hall building. 
  10. The part–time parking disc will be posted to the address provided.
  11. Please notify us if you change your car to obtain a new parking permit.


General Car Park Terms and Conditions

By renting a car park space, you agree to the following terms and conditions.

  1. King’s Inns car park is a private car park and is secured on behalf of King’s Inns by an outside security firm.
  2. By booking a space, you are not guaranteed to be allocated your chosen space. King’s Inns will confirm your allocation once payment has been confirmed.
  3. The car park is open from 7 am to 7.30 pm Monday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday opening is dependent on King’s Inns academic program. Please note core opening hours may be extended throughout the year to reflect the educational and legal year program. You will be notified in advance of these changes via email.
  4. Wheel clamping is in operation at King’s Inns and is managed by an outside clamping company. Cars that do not display a current valid parking permit at all times will be clamped without any warning. Regular checks are carried out in the car park. The cost of the removal of a clamp must be paid in full before clamp can be removed. 
  5. Please notify us if you change your car and we will issue you with a new parking permit. Failure to do so, may result in your car being clamped.
  6. The occupier of these premises, pursuant to section 5 of the Occupiers’ Liability Act, 1995, hereby EXCLUDES the duty of care otherwise afforded to visitors under the said Act.
  7. Please notify us if you change your car and we will issue you with a new parking permit. Failure to do so, may result in your car being clamped.
  8. Overnight parking is not permitted, as there is no facility to monitor the car park overnight once our security company locks the park. Any cars left in the car park may be clamped.
  9. If you arrive after the car park is closed and you ring the security company to open the gates to get your car out, you will be liable for all the associated costs. 
  10. Parking at the front of the King’s Inns Main Dining Hall Building is not permitted and only available with the express consent of King’s Inns, including day visitors and students on the part–time Advanced Diploma courses ONLY.
  11. During the term, King’s Inns reserves the right to contact you directly on parking and any issues or updates that might come up around access.

Part–Time Parking – Students only

  1. This option is for all students who study part–time at King’s Inns.
  2. Part–time car park rental is unallocated parking and is based on a first–come first–served basis in the main car park.
  3. You can only use the car park from 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm Monday to Friday.
  4. Saturday and Sunday opening is 8.30 am to 5.30 pm. This is dependent on King’s Inns academic program. 
  5. You will be notified in advance of changes to opening times.
  6. Students must have a valid permit to use the car park for in–person lectures / tutorials and examination assessments.