News Stories

Library: 15 November 2018

Conservation rebinding of the first edition of the expanded Magna Carta 1556

Conservation rebinding of the first edition of the expanded Magna Carta 1556

The Magna Carta or Great Charter is the foundation stone of the rule of law in the British Isles. It has provided the outline for modern democracies and has managed to remain relevant to the cause of human rights even today.

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Library: 06 September 2018

Parallel Lives: John Redmond and Edward Carson, King’s Inns’ Alumni and Statesmen

Parallel Lives: John Redmond and Edward Carson, King’s Inns’ Alumni and Statesmen

On Tuesday 26th June, 2018, in the Benchers’ Room, an historical discussion “Parallel Lives: John Redmond and Edward Carson, King’s Inns’ Alumni and Statesmen” was held. The two speakers were Professor Alvin Jackson and Mr Frank Callanan SC.

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Library: 23 April 2018

The Averil Deverell Exhibition

The Averil Deverell Exhibition

On Thursday 22 February 2018, a reception was held in the Junior Common Room to launch the recently acquired archive of Averil Deverell BL. Averil Katherine Statter Deverell (1893–1979) was one of the first two women, along with Frances Kyle, called to the Irish Bar on the 1st November 1921.

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Library: 13 February 2017

An Updated History of The Honorable Society of King’s Inns

An Updated History of The Honorable Society of King’s Inns

An updated history of The Honorable Society of King’s Inns has been recently published. The text, written by Professor Colum Kenny, spans the period from the Society’s foundation in 1541 through to education in the 21st century, and includes a number of areas such as women at King’s Inns, parliament at King’s Inns and James Gandon’s new Kings Inns, all enhanced by a number of illustrations.

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Library: 30 November 2015

Darwin ‘On the Geology of South America’

Darwin ‘On the Geology of South America’

‘On the Geology of South America’ is the third book Darwin wrote of his series ‘Geological Observations made during the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle’. It was published in 1846 in the midst of a century that has become synonymous with industrial revolution and scientific thought.

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Library: 03 November 2015

King’s Inns and The British Embassy Summer Garden Party 2015 – Magna Carta Recalled

King’s Inns and The British Embassy Summer Garden Party 2015 – Magna Carta Recalled

Mr. Dominick Chilcott, the British Ambassador to Ireland, is something of a history buff. This September, at the Embassy Summer Party, he devoted particular attention to the anniversaries in British history which have particular resonance in this jurisdiction.

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Library: 19 May 2015

‘Cover to Canvas’ Art Exhibition – The Curator Report

‘Cover to Canvas’ Art Exhibition – The Curator Report

How the project began…

In its five centuries as a centre for learning in the law and for promoting collegiality and professional standards in the legal profession, King’s Inns has acquired many important works of literature and art among other fine objects. The library of The Honorable Society of King’s Inns houses thousands of books, some rarely perused at all and some never seen by the public. Even though the King’s Inns is primarily a legal library, we also house a historical/heritage collection of non–legal material. Our oldest books date back to the 1500’s.

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Library: 29 April 2015

COVER TO CANVAS ARTIST OF THE DAY – Líosa McNamara, Photographer

COVER TO CANVAS ARTIST OF THE DAY – Líosa McNamara, Photographer

Líosa McNamara is a professional photographer who keeps her projects personal. She has the unique gift of creating visual poetry when she captures an image. This skill really reflected the romantic nature of the library and transports the viewer to a bygone era.

Líosa speaks of her inspiration…

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Library: 29 April 2015



John’s work gives the impression of spontaneity, “often the quickest seemingly throwaway and most immediate use of materials can often capture more than a few too many strokes”. His work is accomplished and beautiful, capturing movement that allows one to feel part of the scene.

John speaks of the inspiration for his piece…

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Library: 28 April 2015

COVER TO CANVAS ARTIST OF THE DAY – Róisín Gartland, Conceptual Artist & Designer

COVER TO CANVAS ARTIST OF THE DAY – Róisín Gartland, Conceptual Artist & Designer

Róisín Gartland is Irelands finest leather couture designer and in her other life as a conceptual artist she strives to break down the barriers between craft, art and design, seeing the creative process as all encompassing. The ‘Cover to Canvas’ project allowed her to combine her knowledge of leather and her skill as an artist/designer to create something unique for the exhibition.

Let us take a look at the thinking behind her piece…

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