Events: 15 October 2018
Employment Bar Association Annual Conference 2018

The Employment Bar Association is delighted to invite you to attend its third annual conference at 2.00pm on Friday, November 23, 2018 in the Atrium, Distillery Building. Papers on cutting–edge topics will be delivered by leading senior and junior counsel who are recognised experts in employment law. This conference is a half–day event and will finish at 5.30pm with a drink’s reception in The Sheds Bar, Distillery Building.
The conference will supply a comprehensive update on how to manage employment law disputes, settlement agreements, recent European case law on discrimination and medical examinations of employees. It will give an overview of the practical issues with protected disclosures and review parallel proceedings in the WRC and High Court in employment law, what measures the EU is taking to reduce the gender pay gap and recent EU and UK Supreme Court decisions on freedom of religion and the marriage equality referendum.
Chairs: Regina Doherty, TD, Minister for Employment Affairs & Social Protection & The Hon. Ms. Justice Caroline Costello
Speakers & Topics:
- Mary Paula Guinness BL – Managing employment law disputes– Suspending and moving employees and the use of garden leave
- Owen Keany BL – Settlement agreements contracts, compromise and practical pitfalls
- Helen Callanan SC – Teachers, doctors and cake decorators following the referendum; recent European case law on discrimination on grounds of religion
- Rosemary Mallon BL – Doctors differ? Medical examinations of employees – The law
- Tom Mallon BL – Protected Disclosures – The practical issues
- Marcus Dowling BL – Two bites at the cherry? Parallel proceedings in WRC and High Court in employment law
- Oisin Quinn SC – Closing the gender pay gap – the EU parameters for taking positive action
Full conference details and tickets can be viewed here.